amanda p. wu: Set up at entry way
amanda p. wu: Taking Red Envelopes
amanda p. wu: Taking Red Envelopes
amanda p. wu: Law signing the blessing card
amanda p. wu: a festive wedding banquet room
amanda p. wu: Banquet before guests arriving
amanda p. wu: Watermelon Seeds
amanda p. wu: Melon Slushee
amanda p. wu: First Entrance at the Banquet--whole bridal party
amanda p. wu: Entering the Banquet Hall
amanda p. wu: First Entrance at the Banquet
amanda p. wu: First Entrance . . . Best Man, Maid of Honor, and Flower Children
amanda p. wu: First Entrance . . . Best Man, Maid of Honor, and Flower Children
amanda p. wu: Bride and Groom Enter
amanda p. wu: Appitizers
amanda p. wu: Appitizers
amanda p. wu: Stuffed Crabs
amanda p. wu: At our banquet table
amanda p. wu: At our banquet table
amanda p. wu: At our banquet table
amanda p. wu: Toasting all guests
amanda p. wu: Toasting the whole crowd
amanda p. wu: Bride and Groom on Stage
amanda p. wu: Bride and Groom on Stage
amanda p. wu: Entwined Arm Drinking Wine
amanda p. wu: Entwined Arm Drinking Wine
amanda p. wu: Shrimp Steamed in Bamboo Leaves
amanda p. wu: Mushrooms in Brocolli
amanda p. wu: Steamed Fish
amanda p. wu: Steamed Fish