amanda p. wu: Little Black's Former Home
amanda p. wu: Memories . . . How little black became little black
amanda p. wu: Memories . . . How little black became little black
amanda p. wu: Memories . . . How little black became little black
amanda p. wu: Little Black ready for depature
amanda p. wu: ByeBye Magnet I've had for 11 years
amanda p. wu: Law cleaning up and preparing for the new fridge's arrival
amanda p. wu: Empty Space waiting for the new fridge
amanda p. wu: Yay!! New Fridge in place!!
amanda p. wu: Middle = Fresh Veggies and Fruit Drawer
amanda p. wu: Bottom = Freezer
amanda p. wu: Clearly I can see the fresh produce in the section below
amanda p. wu: The Main Fridge Compartment
amanda p. wu: smaller left hand door
amanda p. wu: The Larger Right Hand Side Door