amanda p. wu: the girls present their project
amanda p. wu: the girls present their project
amanda p. wu: the girls present their project
amanda p. wu: the girls present their project
amanda p. wu: the girls present their project
amanda p. wu: the girls present their project
amanda p. wu: the girls present their project
amanda p. wu: the girls present their project
amanda p. wu: the girls present their project
amanda p. wu: the girls with their "oral exam" judges
amanda p. wu: the girls with their "oral exam" judges
amanda p. wu: Kara, Josephine, Me and Kara
amanda p. wu: Kara, Josephine, Me and Kara
amanda p. wu: relaxed . . . the test is over
amanda p. wu: kara, josephine, and kara
amanda p. wu: juliet and me
amanda p. wu: me and kara
amanda p. wu: me and josephine