amanda p. wu: Gwa-Teh . . . fried dumplings
amanda p. wu: Welcome to Taiwan, Girls!!
amanda p. wu: on a taiwanese street in a little town
amanda p. wu: a taiwanese street in a little town
amanda p. wu: mopeds
amanda p. wu: Becka getting her hair washed
amanda p. wu: me getting her hair washed
amanda p. wu: Tiffany getting her hair washed
amanda p. wu: cool grass covered pogoda
amanda p. wu: cool grass covered pogoda
amanda p. wu: cool grass covered pogoda
amanda p. wu: empty classroom
amanda p. wu: shrimp, pineapple, mayo and some sprinkles
amanda p. wu: Taiwanese van
amanda p. wu: Getting our hair washed
amanda p. wu: crunchy shrimp
amanda p. wu: Fried rice
amanda p. wu: pineapple shrimp
amanda p. wu: kung pao chicken
amanda p. wu: waiting for the High speed rail
amanda p. wu: just off the high speed rail
amanda p. wu: getting off the train
amanda p. wu: my neighborhood
amanda p. wu: my neighborhood
amanda p. wu: long day
amanda p. wu: long day
amanda p. wu: chicken hearts and lungs on sticks
amanda p. wu: chicken butt anyone?
amanda p. wu: fried chicken stand