amanda p. wu: Luke continues the 1AC
amanda p. wu: Afra starts the 1NC
amanda p. wu: Pinko finishes the 1NC
amanda p. wu: Raymond starts the 2AC
amanda p. wu: Raymond starts the 2AC
amanda p. wu: Elaine starts the 2NC
amanda p. wu: Rita completes the 2NC
amanda p. wu: Judy gives the Rebuttal
amanda p. wu: Emilie gives the Rebuttal
amanda p. wu: Emilie Gives the Rebuttal
amanda p. wu: Mandy starts the 1AC
amanda p. wu: Irra finishes the 1AC
amanda p. wu: May starts the 1NC
amanda p. wu: Viona gives the 1NC
amanda p. wu: Viona finishes the 1NC
amanda p. wu: Danny starts the 2AC
amanda p. wu: Wan gives the 2NC
amanda p. wu: Charlie Gives the Rebuttal
amanda p. wu: Sandra gives the Rebuttal
amanda p. wu: Eddie Intros the Debate
amanda p. wu: Eddie Intros the Debate
amanda p. wu: The Negative Team Prepares for the Debate
amanda p. wu: Joan Starts the 1Ac
amanda p. wu: Joan begins to Build the Affirmative Case
amanda p. wu: Simon presents the 1AC
amanda p. wu: Lily starts the 1NC
amanda p. wu: Anne Complese the 1NC
amanda p. wu: Anne builds the Negative Case
amanda p. wu: Rachel Starts the 2AC
amanda p. wu: Reena finishes the 2AC