amanda p. wu: Ivy, Jenna, Kia, and Pinkie (oh, and me)
amanda p. wu: Ivy, Jenna, Me, Kia, and Pinkie
amanda p. wu: Their topic was about making learning English less stressful for the students
amanda p. wu: listening to Julie
amanda p. wu: There are two main types of translation in films. . .
amanda p. wu: Translation is not just a linguistic exchange, but also a cultural exchange
amanda p. wu: Language and Culture can't be seperated
amanda p. wu: What is a CSI?
amanda p. wu: CSIs change . . .
amanda p. wu: The steps we followed were . . .
amanda p. wu: One Example is . . .
amanda p. wu: So, in conclusion . . .
amanda p. wu: So, in conclusion . . .
amanda p. wu: Time for the oral test!!
amanda p. wu: Val, Julie, Sandy, and Kevin
amanda p. wu: Yea!! the project!!
amanda p. wu: almost done!!!
amanda p. wu: The Madagascar Group
amanda p. wu: Kevin and Me
amanda p. wu: Sandy and Me
amanda p. wu: Val and Me
amanda p. wu: Julie and Me
amanda p. wu: Madagascar Group
amanda p. wu: Welcome to our project: 40 yrs later
amanda p. wu: In the book . . .
amanda p. wu: This is Jamie and Landon's love story
amanda p. wu: Foreshadowing is . . .
amanda p. wu: The plot can be broken into three parts
amanda p. wu: A Symbol is . . .
amanda p. wu: Pickle jars and Telescopes