amanda p. wu: Ellen, Her twin sister, and cousins with a shrimp
amanda p. wu: Shrimp in the Basket
amanda p. wu: All the Shrimp Sam Caught
amanda p. wu: Caught one at the same time!!
amanda p. wu: Sam caught another shrimp!!!
amanda p. wu: Yummy!!
amanda p. wu: Yummy!
amanda p. wu: Fresh Shrimp
amanda p. wu: Yummy! Fresh Shrimp!!
amanda p. wu: Catch and Cook
amanda p. wu: Me, Gilby, Ellen and Sam
amanda p. wu: The shrimp bucket
amanda p. wu: A boy and his (sister's) dog!
amanda p. wu: And yet another one!!
amanda p. wu: Caught Another One!!
amanda p. wu: Caught Another One!!
amanda p. wu: Caught One!!
amanda p. wu: Shrimp Fishing
amanda p. wu: Shrimp Fishing