amanda1470: April112 011
amanda1470: In the woods
amanda1470: Tree shadow
amanda1470: Cherry Blossom
amanda1470: Blossom
amanda1470: Small flower
amanda1470: White goose (dose my bum look big in this!)
amanda1470: White goose
amanda1470: Young Lamb
amanda1470: Young Lamb
amanda1470: Dandelion seed head
amanda1470: Dog Rose
amanda1470: Fat Cat
amanda1470: Silver
amanda1470: Bonnie Sheep (Swaledale)
amanda1470: Bags of Gold (honey bee)
amanda1470: Volucella Pellucens (Hover Fly)
amanda1470: Ox-eye daisy (Dog-daisy)
amanda1470: Giant Hogweed
amanda1470: 15 June 2011 Otley river 028
amanda1470: Mallard
amanda1470: White Goose
amanda1470: Bar-headed Goose
amanda1470: White Star
amanda1470: Blue Eyes
amanda1470: Wild Daisy
amanda1470: Wild Folwers
amanda1470: Frost