A. Mitchell: public art
A. Mitchell: Better bathroom stall advice, I may have never seen.
A. Mitchell: No cover if you match the drapes.
A. Mitchell: Bathroom Stall Declaration of Obstinacy
A. Mitchell: Essex station - NYC Subway Series
A. Mitchell: Broadway Junction
A. Mitchell: Broadway Junction - NYC Subway Series
A. Mitchell: Lorimer St station - NYC Subway Series
A. Mitchell: Luke and MB
A. Mitchell: The Union Square 'Metronome' (and/or 'Smoldering Anus') #whattheeff
A. Mitchell: I don't know why there is a rock chained to the Peter Cooper monument. #internetwonttellme
A. Mitchell: Remnant of the past accents sign of the new.
A. Mitchell: NYC Firestation
A. Mitchell: Buildings Wide and Thin
A. Mitchell: citibikes!
A. Mitchell: Water in the sky. (Not rain.)
A. Mitchell: Autumn in Washington Square Park
A. Mitchell: Lots of things going on here. #empirestatebuilding #rainbow #washingtonsquarepark
A. Mitchell: SO's respite from shopping.
A. Mitchell: These gas prices aren't ba-a-a-a-a-ad.
A. Mitchell: "A stick, a couple of stars and a piece of paper?! This is the worst gallery ever!" -SO
A. Mitchell: A couple of stars.
A. Mitchell: "Now this is what I call 'art'." -SO
A. Mitchell: Autumn on the High Line (from Saturday afternoon)
A. Mitchell: We luv the High Line!
A. Mitchell: Art in the city. (Viewed from the High Line near 28th.)
A. Mitchell: Where's the High Line?
A. Mitchell: On the end of the High Line
A. Mitchell: The Flatiron Building is too tall to fit in the frame / I am too lazy to back up farther.
A. Mitchell: The Flatiron Building