A. Mitchell:
longest sunset ever
A. Mitchell:
red rain
A. Mitchell:
f***ing billboards
A. Mitchell:
forty outside of Rapid
A. Mitchell:
dinner by Casey
A. Mitchell:
attempting a close encounter
A. Mitchell:
Devil's Tower National Monument
A. Mitchell:
fun place for aliens to gather
A. Mitchell:
self portrait time!
A. Mitchell:
Dug Out Firehall
A. Mitchell:
Devil's Tower by Highway
A. Mitchell:
in my way
A. Mitchell:
in my lap
A. Mitchell:
content kitty
A. Mitchell:
A. Mitchell:
A. Mitchell:
my mother's kebab experimentation
A. Mitchell:
amanda's kebab experimentation
A. Mitchell:
making use of the millions of crab apples growing on that tree
A. Mitchell:
Wyoming landscape
A. Mitchell:
Wyoming landscape II
A. Mitchell:
because we are dorks like that
A. Mitchell:
I wonder what kind of establishment this is.
A. Mitchell:
Chugwater chili cheese dogs
A. Mitchell:
a thing on a hill
A. Mitchell:
another thing on a hill
A. Mitchell:
watchin' some volleyball
A. Mitchell:
a nap in the park
A. Mitchell:
swingin' in the park
A. Mitchell:
Fort Collins public park