Amadika: 2 days before the end..
Amadika: "Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy."
Amadika: guest jumper
Amadika: yellow brick road?
Amadika: the blues!
Amadika: jumping into summer !
Amadika: sitgr jump!
Amadika: over the city
Amadika: they make it look so easy...
Amadika: too heavy to fly..
Amadika: teen-a-jumpin
Amadika: jumping moustache
Amadika: sky's the limit
Amadika: Uncertainty
Amadika: more then 2 minutes without rain? let's jump!
Amadika: I haz new car !
Amadika: bounce
Amadika: la marelle
Amadika: "Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.”
Amadika: the end
Amadika: coffee makes me jumpy..
Amadika: work it mom !
Amadika: just jump and don't look back...
Amadika: this girl can jump !
Amadika: under the bridge
Amadika: don't mind me...
Amadika: bonne st-jean-baptiste !
Amadika: ready or not here I come !
Amadika: fifi brindacier !
Amadika: 172. it's summmmmer tiiiiime !