~adrian: To NSM
~adrian: Bus
~adrian: Road to NSM
~adrian: National Museum of Singapore
~adrian: National Museum of Singapore
~adrian: NSM
~adrian: NSM
~adrian: Greek Masterpieces @ NSM
~adrian: NSM Lobby
~adrian: NSM Lobby
~adrian: Opening Plaque
~adrian: Restoration Plaque
~adrian: NSM Lobby Entrance
~adrian: To the Greeks
~adrian: NSM Basement
~adrian: Queue to the Louvre's Collection
~adrian: Entrance
~adrian: Athlete with discus
~adrian: Athlete's label
~adrian: Athlete with discus
~adrian: Portrait of Euripides
~adrian: Double portrait of Aristophanes and Sophocles
~adrian: Double portrait of Aristophanes and Sophocles
~adrian: Amphoras
~adrian: Hercules
~adrian: Greek statues
~adrian: Greek statues
~adrian: Religion, Gods and Heroes
~adrian: Greek statue
~adrian: Greek statue