Alyss: Soup and a Sweet Potato
Alyss: Hello, Baked Beans
Alyss: Green Curry with Green Tomatoes!
Alyss: Grilled Cheese
Alyss: Pease Porridge Hot, Pease Porridge Cold
Alyss: Peanut AND Apple Butter
Alyss: Fried Green Tomatoes
Alyss: Crock Pot Chili n' Cornbread
Alyss: Leftover Soup, Leftover Chili
Alyss: Chicken Soup for the Autumn
Alyss: Bean Soup from the Crock Pot
Alyss: Homemade Thai Curry
Alyss: Soup and Salad from the Garden!
Alyss: Soup Not Pictured
Alyss: Cupcake for Equinox Morning
Alyss: Bad photo of an awesome lunch
Alyss: More Macaroni and Cheese
Alyss: Posole
Alyss: Mac and Cheese and Stuff
Alyss: BBQ in the Park!
Alyss: BBQ Chicken from the Toaster Oven
Alyss: Leftover Fish and Veggie Salad
Alyss: Lemon Dill Fish
Alyss: Chicken and Gravy with Relish
Alyss: Polenta
Alyss: Gloppy Chicken
Alyss: "I don't really like gravy".. Say What?!?!
Alyss: Plums and Plums and Plums!
Alyss: The Very First Blackberries!!
Alyss: Pasta Salad and a Plum!