alyssaglai: King at James, Hamilton
alyssaglai: King at James, Hamilton
alyssaglai: One of the many interesting walls in downtown Hamiton
alyssaglai: One of the many interesting walls in downtown Hamiton
alyssaglai: One of the many interesting walls in downtown Hamiton
alyssaglai: Waiting for the traffic lights, King at James, Hamilton
alyssaglai: Waiting for the traffic lights, King at James, Hamilton
alyssaglai: Waiting for the traffic lights, King at James, Hamilton
alyssaglai: Waiting for the traffic lights, King at James, Hamilton
alyssaglai: Waiting for the traffic lights, King at James, Hamilton
alyssaglai: Fringe bulletin board, Citadel Theatre
alyssaglai: Christchurch Cathedral, James St. North
alyssaglai: Night view of the cathedral
alyssaglai: Welcome, CBC Hamilton!