alyson_olander: Laurie & Abigail
alyson_olander: Abigail & Uncle Bill's ginormous hand
alyson_olander: Caleb's mad photography skillz.
alyson_olander: Mommy, I want to hold that baby
alyson_olander: Let ME hold that baby, Mommy!
alyson_olander: She's so cute, like mine bunny!
alyson_olander: Auntie Alyson LIKES holding Abigail
alyson_olander: Auntie Alyson really REALLY likes holding Abigail.
alyson_olander: Quilt for baby Abigail
alyson_olander: Abigail's Quilt
alyson_olander: Abigail's Quilt - detail
alyson_olander: Abigail's Quilt - signed