AL-E-SHA: Homecoming!!
AL-E-SHA: I'll blend up that rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins
AL-E-SHA: Aw baby those are such great shoes
AL-E-SHA: Oh, you're such a pretty thing
AL-E-SHA: Gave me directions but it's all the same
AL-E-SHA: You've gone and stole my heart and made it your own
AL-E-SHA: You draw so many lines in the sand
AL-E-SHA: So I step on the shadows of my own feet
AL-E-SHA: Crowded Sunset
AL-E-SHA: You better bring your buckets - We've got some dreams to drain
AL-E-SHA: Tungsten Stage
AL-E-SHA: H-Core Fans
AL-E-SHA: The Gorge Ampitheater
AL-E-SHA: I've never been one to walk alone
AL-E-SHA: Just a spoonfull of sugar make it better real quick
AL-E-SHA: Garden Sunrays
AL-E-SHA: Get me on my tippytoes
AL-E-SHA: Break this safe around my heart
AL-E-SHA: Boy you like how my nails are painted
AL-E-SHA: She's got blue eyes deep like the sea
AL-E-SHA: Cause nothin' ever doesn't change, but nothin' changes much
AL-E-SHA: August 31 - I pity the fool that falls in love with you
AL-E-SHA: August 30 - I own the light and I don't need no help
AL-E-SHA: August 29 - You gotta stay fresh to dance
AL-E-SHA: August 27 - Cuz we're a step above
AL-E-SHA: August 26 - Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
AL-E-SHA: August 28 - But it was not your fault but mine
AL-E-SHA: Water Tower
AL-E-SHA: GIANT sunflower
AL-E-SHA: Are those real?!