AL-E-SHA: Homecoming!!
AL-E-SHA: Aw baby those are such great shoes
AL-E-SHA: Oh, you're such a pretty thing
AL-E-SHA: Gave me directions but it's all the same
AL-E-SHA: You've gone and stole my heart and made it your own
AL-E-SHA: You draw so many lines in the sand
AL-E-SHA: So I step on the shadows of my own feet
AL-E-SHA: Crowded Sunset
AL-E-SHA: You better bring your buckets - We've got some dreams to drain
AL-E-SHA: H-Core Fans
AL-E-SHA: The Gorge Ampitheater
AL-E-SHA: August 20 - Class is out!
AL-E-SHA: Stand in a row
AL-E-SHA: August 19 - Party, Karamu, Fiesta, Forever
AL-E-SHA: Awesome to the power of sick!
AL-E-SHA: August 18 - The Tribal Photographer (+2)
AL-E-SHA: Nearing the end of summer
AL-E-SHA: Wind-blown hair
AL-E-SHA: I feel the sun creeping up like tick tock
AL-E-SHA: August 15 - Cuz I told you once, now I told you twice
AL-E-SHA: Golden Lizard
AL-E-SHA: A horse of course!
AL-E-SHA: August 2 - And cannonball into the water (+6)
AL-E-SHA: Jumping photos at a young age!
AL-E-SHA: August 1 - He makes a case that all you've ever needed is a pretty face
AL-E-SHA: July 31 - Family Olympic Fun!!
AL-E-SHA: July 29 - But I play a Ron Bergundy I anchor on the track like that
AL-E-SHA: July 26 - It's hot as hell, even in the shade
AL-E-SHA: July 23 - Future Photographers of the World! (+2)