alynnk: getting started.
alynnk: licking the whisk.
alynnk: making sure I don't screw up.
alynnk: the wonders of food coloring.
alynnk: before.
alynnk: and after.
alynnk: three amigos.
alynnk: cleaning up.
alynnk: getting there.
alynnk: almost finished.
alynnk: all clean.
alynnk: peek-a-boo.
alynnk: parchment paper + cake = bad idea.
alynnk: stacking up.
alynnk: casualty of war.
alynnk: topped.
alynnk: making sure I didn't leave any frosting in the container.
alynnk: more wonders of food coloring.
alynnk: again with the watching.
alynnk: making sure I'm doing it right.
alynnk: taste test.
alynnk: can I help?
alynnk: are you sure you know what you're doing?
alynnk: here, let me get those crumbs for you.
alynnk: please, please drop it.
alynnk: top and bottom.
alynnk: more tasting.
alynnk: are you really sure you know what you're doing?
alynnk: almost done.
alynnk: pretty smooth.