alxpn: Payday
alxpn: In a small shop
alxpn: Dancing with hula hoop
alxpn: street's green grocery
alxpn: street's greengrocery
alxpn: ukie's pub (The Green Cafe)
alxpn: great-granny patties are very delicious
alxpn: The Doctor (bw)
alxpn: The Doctor
alxpn: The dentist
alxpn: Fishing
alxpn: 20130414-DSC_0038abwsflcr
alxpn: roms
alxpn: Palm Sunday
alxpn: Palm Sunday
alxpn: Heavy bags
alxpn: The Battle of Dubno
alxpn: The Battle of Dubno
alxpn: The Battle of Dubno
alxpn: Soul for the God, Life for Ukraine, Honour for myself