Alwyn Ladell: Sedgefield (Creswick House), 21 Tregonwell Road, and Crowther Terrace and Upper Terrace Road, Bournemouth, Dorset
Alwyn Ladell: Creswick House (Sedgefield), 21 Tregonwell Road, West Cliff, Bournemouth, Dorset
Alwyn Ladell: Creswick House (Sedgefield), 21 Tregonwell Road, West Cliff, Bournemouth, Dorset
Alwyn Ladell: Terrace Mount Car Park, Upper Terrace Road, Bournemouth
Alwyn Ladell: Dolphins Hotel (19) and Creswick House (Sedgefield) (21) Tregonwell Road and Upper Terrace Road, Bournemouth