Always a birder!: Vireo sp?
Always a birder!: Recently fledged Pigeon Guillemot Monterey Bay just off the Aquarium New Monterey, CA July 19, 2012 S.Lane photographer
Always a birder!: Recently fledged Pigeon Guillemot Monterey Bay just off the Aquarium New Monterey, CA July 19, 2012 S.Lane photographer
Always a birder!: Recently fledged Pigeon Guillemot Monterey Bay just off the Aquarium New Monterey, CA July 19, 2012 S.Lane photographer
Always a birder!: Recently fledged Pigeon Guillemot Monterey Bay just off the Aquarium New Monterey, CA July 19, 2012 S.Lane photographer
Always a birder!: Recently fledged Pigeon Guillemot Monterey Bay just off the Aquarium New Monterey, CA July 19, 2012 S.Lane photographer
Always a birder!: Blue Grosbeak
Always a birder!: White-Crowned Sparrow
Always a birder!: Banded White Crowned Sparrow
Always a birder!: BF Albatross
Always a birder!: 7607303654_7ceecde8af_o
Always a birder!: Savannah Sparrow
Always a birder!: Mystery Sparrow
Always a birder!: ID help on two background shorebirds
Always a birder!: lazuli bunting???
Always a birder!: Yellow Warbler
Always a birder!: Yellow Warbler