Always a birder!: Hooded Merganser
Always a birder!: California Condor Monterey County, CA Spirit is her name AKA 501 That is a #1 on her tag/transmitter. Go to to read more about the wild condors and what we can do to protect these wonderful creatures. Sarah Lane photographer IMG
Always a birder!: Summer Tanager
Always a birder!: Yellow-billed Loon Rare Bird for California
Always a birder!: Nutting's Flycatcher Bill Williams River NWR near Havasu, AZ
Always a birder!: Rufous-capped Warbler Florida Wash Madera Canyon Green Valley, AZ
Always a birder!: Tropical Parula Concan, TX Neal's Lodge, along the River by the broken bridge.IMG_0573
Always a birder!: Lucifer Hummingbird Adult male
Always a birder!: Red Knot (Calidris canutus) rare in Pacific Grove/Monterey Bay, CA in July
Always a birder!: Snow Goose in Blue Phase Pacific Grove, CA "Chen caerulescens"
Always a birder!: Near Grimes Point. Condor 194 Whale Watcher. First to feed on whale meat. Paired with Traveler. Flying with 566 Mike's Bird when we saw him. Ventana 444 is the oldest living chick born in the wild.
Always a birder!: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Always a birder!: 7701445774_afd52fa265_o
Always a birder!: Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) Odello Lagoon-Carmel River Mouth S.Lane photographer Rare for Carmel River Mouth at this date according to ebird.
Always a birder!: Common Merganser
Always a birder!: Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) Odello Lagoon-Carmel River Mouth S.Lane photographer Rare for Carmel River Mouth at this date according to ebird.
Always a birder!: Common Merganser
Always a birder!: Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) Odello Lagoon-Carmel River Mouth S.Lane photographer Rare for Carmel River Mouth at this date according to ebird.
Always a birder!: Common Merganser
Always a birder!: Townsend's Warbler Rare 4 SPI
Always a birder!: Indigo Bunting adult male
Always a birder!: Indigo Bunting Molera
Always a birder!: Molera Indigo Bunting male