Always a birder!: California Condor Monterey County, CA Spirit is her name AKA 501 That is a #1 on her tag/transmitter. Go to to read more about the wild condors and what we can do to protect these wonderful creatures. Sarah Lane photographer IMG
Always a birder!: California Condor Monterey County, CA Spirit is her name AKA 501 That is a #1 on her tag/transmitter. Go to to read more about the wild condors and what we can do to protect these wonderful creatures. Sarah Lane photographer I
Always a birder!: California Condor Monterey County, CA Spirit is her nameAKA 501 That is a #1 on her tag/transmitter. go to to read more about the wild condors and what we can do to protect these wonderful creatures. Sarah Lane photographer IMG
Always a birder!: Ca Condor Monterey County, CA Spirit is her name AKA 501 That is a #1 on her tag. Go to to read more about the wild condors and what we can do to protect these wonderful creatures. S. Lane