alvin lamucho ©:
"It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons."
alvin lamucho ©:
i could sing of your love forever
alvin lamucho ©:
i will sing of your love [in the morning]
alvin lamucho ©:
for the love of music
alvin lamucho ©:
alvin lamucho ©:
yay! My Son is on Front Page!
alvin lamucho ©:
it's always sunny here - FP 31 Aug
alvin lamucho ©:
the sun shines after the rain
alvin lamucho ©:
in the rain
alvin lamucho ©:
i would run away
alvin lamucho ©:
all in my lover's eyes
alvin lamucho ©:
hair of gold
alvin lamucho ©:
casting shades
alvin lamucho ©:
getting there
alvin lamucho ©:
alvin lamucho ©:
alvin lamucho ©:
when autumn rains fall
alvin lamucho ©:
andrew micah
alvin lamucho ©:
in the shadow of your wings
alvin lamucho ©:
sunny feet
alvin lamucho ©:
the eyes of faith
alvin lamucho ©:
when he looks at me - 1st Place, ZAIN Kuwait Photography Competition
alvin lamucho ©:
alvin lamucho ©:
Valorie Joyce
alvin lamucho ©:
of black & white