Alun EH: Class 02 D2854 and 08 016 at Rowsley
Alun EH: Ruston & Hornsby 88DS 412432 at Rowsley
Alun EH: Ruston & Hornsby 88DS 412432 at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 04 D2205 at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 08 13000 at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 08 13000 at Rowsley
Alun EH: PWM650 at Rowsley
Alun EH: D2139 cavalcade at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 03 D2139 at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 04 D2337 at Rowsley
Alun EH: 08 016 at Rowsley
Alun EH: PWM654 at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 03s and 04s at Rowsley
Alun EH: Yorkshire Engine Company 2481
Alun EH: Yorkshire Engine Company 2481
Alun EH: 50 029 Renown at Rowsley
Alun EH: 50 030 Repulse at Rowsley
Alun EH: Yorkshire Engine Company 2481
Alun EH: 50 029 Renown at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 25 D7659 and 37 152 at Rowsley
Alun EH: 08 016 at Rowsley
Alun EH: 08 830 at Rowsley
Alun EH: 31 270 Athena at Rowsley
Alun EH: 46 035 at Rowsley
Alun EH: 37 152 and 46 035 at Rowsley
Alun EH: 58 022 at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 02 D2854 pulling away at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 02 D2854 at Rowsley
Alun EH: Class 01 D2953
Alun EH: LMS TO 7828 at Rowsley