alumroot: Northern chorus frogs in amplexus
alumroot: Calling chorus frog
alumroot: In the spotlight
alumroot: Phyllobates and Lachesis
alumroot: Phyllobates bicolor
alumroot: Rana sylvatica calling
alumroot: Looking for mister right
alumroot: Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora)
alumroot: the terrible poison frog
alumroot: Dendrobates azureus
alumroot: gray tree frog
alumroot: Leaping gray tree frog
alumroot: Backyard visitor
alumroot: Nightly visitor
alumroot: Cold frog
alumroot: Another gray tree frog
alumroot: Gray tree frog
alumroot: Another Dendrobates azureus
alumroot: No photos!
alumroot: Atelopus zeteki in amplexus
alumroot: Wood frog eggs
alumroot: Locked in a loving embrace
alumroot: White's treefrog
alumroot: Carpenter frog - Rana virgatipes
alumroot: Rana septentrionalis
alumroot: Lepidobatrachus
alumroot: Pseudacris triseriata calling
alumroot: Cyclorana
alumroot: Rana clamitans (green frog) tadpole
alumroot: Rana septentrionalis (mink frog)