alumroot: Pawpaw fruit cut
alumroot: Pawpaw fruit on the tree
alumroot: Ripe Pawpaws
alumroot: The line
alumroot: Bascom Crowd
alumroot: Fall is coming
alumroot: You lookin' at me
alumroot: Disneyland Rollercoaster
alumroot: Wait a second, what's going on here?
alumroot: Gulls
alumroot: Another gull
alumroot: Pelicans
alumroot: John Seely Brown
alumroot: Rachel graphically representing the conversation
alumroot: Joan Getman
alumroot: House of Blues NMC Party
alumroot: House of Blues NMC Party
alumroot: House of Blues NMC Party
alumroot: Rachel and John
alumroot: Rachel and John II
alumroot: Joan and John
alumroot: House of Blues NMC Party
alumroot: House of Blues NMC Party
alumroot: House of Blues NMC Party
alumroot: NMC Town Hall Meeting
alumroot: NMC Town Hall Meeting
alumroot: NMC Town Hall Meeting
alumroot: House of Blues NMC Party
alumroot: The Rock and Roll Photographer
alumroot: Pure Joy