alt text: Fred and Wilma
alt text: Jason
alt text: Arwen and Aragorn
alt text: O R They?
alt text: Paparazzi
alt text: One Night Stand
alt text: Soccer player
alt text: Scotter Libby and Witch
alt text: Cloud and Ketchup
alt text: Rambo or Ted Nugent
alt text: Giligan and Catwoman?
alt text: X-Philes
alt text: Burglar and victim
alt text: Hasmat
alt text: Homey?
alt text: Raver?
alt text: My nemesis Ring Wraith
alt text: Elvira?
alt text: Bubble bath
alt text: Man of the cloth
alt text: Dr. Pepper or Hot Doctor
alt text: Erin the Blond?
alt text: Dr. Pepper and Chip
alt text: Haunted House
alt text: Aragorn & Jason
alt text: Some sweaty guy
alt text: Jason, beer
alt text: Jason
alt text: nun & Jesus