alt text: Jagr (w/hockey hair) and Elvira
alt text: Peas World?
alt text: New American Gothic
alt text: Appetite for Destruction
alt text: Experimental Dave and Dr. Kirsten
alt text: Schoolgirl on the bus
alt text: Punk waitress
alt text: Padre
alt text: Toro, Toro!
alt text: Asian fisherman of some sort
alt text: Corpse bride
alt text: Conductor
alt text: In my day...
alt text: Is that beard crawling up my face?
alt text: A pimp and his ho
alt text: What's wrong with the cat lady?
alt text: Bill & Monica
alt text: Will Steger
alt text: Antarctic explorer and Pocahontas
alt text: Just like the frontier days (right)
alt text: Pioneer gal
alt text: GnR and Grudge Lady
alt text: Witch detail
alt text: Guns-n-Roses hits on the Grudge Lady
alt text: Bowling Satan
alt text: Witch
alt text: Fireman (in more ways than one)
alt text: Mingling
alt text: Pretty easy to find here.
alt text: Baby sitter or Crack baby