alt text: Walking in Bayfield
alt text: Sophie is all head
alt text: Newman!
alt text: Flowering tree
alt text: Ship museum in a cool building
alt text: Small harbor in Bayfield
alt text: Manypenny and Broadway
alt text: Bayfield street
alt text: Bikeshop in Bayfield
alt text: Sadie is (rightfully) wary of that dude
alt text: She's not sure how to take the troll thing down
alt text: Scott & Anne aboard the ferry
alt text: Black is slimming
alt text: The way most people encounter Sophie
alt text: Sadie is ferocious and Sophie is getting it
alt text: Friday night brew
alt text: Beach
alt text: Beach and trees
alt text: Beach walk
alt text: Newman in the sun
alt text: Sadie and Newman in the sun
alt text: Sophie bows, prays to Superior
alt text: Dogs running on the beach
alt text: Sophie returns the frisbee
alt text: Layla in an REI ad
alt text: Pensive Scott
alt text: Sadie of the woods
alt text: Anne throws a frisbee to a waiting dog
alt text: Jesse
alt text: Airborn