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Jacob Hookum explains the roles of designers and developers
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Programmer and Designer Roles session
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Jacob's session
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view from the backrow
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Breaking out
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Disintermediation session led by Charles Gimon
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Ry4an Brase leads an impromptu session
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Lots of discussion happened
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One of the many sessions discussing open source
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Good discussion
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My lovely wife was a huge help
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The schedule board after many new additions
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Nice greetings
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minnebar schwag
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Morgan Catlin of Valtira chats someone up
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Rudrava Roy leads a demo of a building navigation system for the disabled
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Catalyst was a great space to demo MindTouch
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Garrick Van Buren and Mark Lepke chatting
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Adam Sellke and Scott Vlaminck
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Sponsor Ayamon's Ethan Galstad talking about being an OSS Developer
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The laptops were out but wifi problems persisted
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Aaron Fulkerson of Mindtouch leads a session
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Ruby On Rails Session
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The MN Ruby Groups presents...what else, Ruby on Rails
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Blogging discussion led by Peter Fleck
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Margaret, Scott, Jesse
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Team Anti Patterns session
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Team Anti Patterns panel
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Team Anti Patterns panel
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Team Anti Patterns panel discussion