alternate_world: 035 - hdr2
alternate_world: Wayward Inn for Varmits and Vagrants
alternate_world: Totally Unplugged
alternate_world: Rotunda art in Pompei, Italy
alternate_world: On the Giza Plain
alternate_world: In Memory of Peace
alternate_world: A Future Unknown
alternate_world: Under Rennovation
alternate_world: Shanty Town Along the Canal
alternate_world: Hotel du Lac, Tunis
alternate_world: Hotel du Lac, Tunis
alternate_world: If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home
alternate_world: Artists at Work
alternate_world: United States Capitol, Washington D.C.
alternate_world: Church Steeple
alternate_world: Ansel Adams Was Here
alternate_world: Low Tide with the Setting Sun
alternate_world: French Riviera
alternate_world: Edinburgh Through Rose Colored Glasses
alternate_world: Old Egyptian Black and White Cab
alternate_world: Cicero's Tomb
alternate_world: Out for a Night Stroll
alternate_world: Making New Friends in Aberdeen Bay
alternate_world: Dublin Street Life
alternate_world: Cathedral de Notre Dame
alternate_world: Pisa Duomo
alternate_world: Stairs and shadows
alternate_world: Roman Art Treasure
alternate_world: A Walk Through the Palms
alternate_world: English Countryside