Junque Addicts: Bough of Rusty Things lt
Junque Addicts: Bough of Rusty Things rt
Junque Addicts: Bough of Rusty Things
Junque Addicts: Ceramic Bowl w/ Birdnest & Bone
Junque Addicts: Ceramic Bowl Assemblage Art 1
Junque Addicts: Ceramic Bowl Assemblage Art 2
Junque Addicts: Altered Mixed Media Jewelry Box
Junque Addicts: Altered Barbie Doll
Junque Addicts: Inside the dragon box
Junque Addicts: Rusty Metal Wall Sculpture w/ Lockset
Junque Addicts: Dew Fairie Tede
Junque Addicts: Memory Suitcase Lined in Vintage Wedding Lace
Junque Addicts: Memories of Papa
Junque Addicts: Memories of Papa's History
Junque Addicts: Vintage Postcard and Pictures of Papa
Junque Addicts: Favorite Things
Junque Addicts: There is a d missing?
Junque Addicts: Family Board Game
Junque Addicts: Vintage Baby Dress with Antique Thread and Postcard
Junque Addicts: Antique Handbag with Resin Shadow Box
Junque Addicts: Vintage Camp Bowl with Antique Lace and Locks
Junque Addicts: Antique Camp Bowl with Tea Spout
Junque Addicts: Vintage Camp Bowl with Birds Nest
Junque Addicts: Antique Camp Bowl Curiously Reborn
Junque Addicts: Antique Handbag Meets New Life
Junque Addicts: Antique Purse Altered Fairy Swing
Junque Addicts: Antique Purse Altered
Junque Addicts: Roses of Picardy
Junque Addicts: Come play & dance with me.
Junque Addicts: Altered Metal Secretary