alruii: Storehouse Sign
alruii: Guinness Sign outside entrance
alruii: Painted text on wall
alruii: Shadow
alruii: Glass text and more shadow
alruii: Floor dots
alruii: Become the Brewers Apprentice
alruii: Huge floor text, Tram and Ed
alruii: Display cabinet
alruii: Floor compass
alruii: Floor compass
alruii: More arrows
alruii: Dots line and arrows
alruii: Dots and lines
alruii: Pure
alruii: The 'choice zone', or in other words 'the bit they were made to put in'
alruii: Dots around information stand
alruii: White arrow
alruii: Guinness Crab
alruii: The 'perfect' pint of Guinness, that was completely average
alruii: Spire of Dublin
alruii: The spirit of Paul Clark
alruii: Our 'balcony', reached via window
alruii: At the airport on the way home
alruii: Train on the way home
alruii: LED Sign