*Gracie: hmm... patience!
*Gracie: ... waiting ..
*Gracie: Happy Birthday, Mom! ;-)
*Gracie: ..sweet lovers...
*Gracie: Neighborhood bully- Mockingbird
*Gracie: Look at those wicked eyes -
*Gracie: Hmmm - guarding the food - it's all mine!
*Gracie: Hmmm - I'm going to stare the you down.
*Gracie: Hmmm.. don't be fooled - I'm a bully
*Gracie: Hmmm... perched on the cat bowl
*Gracie: Hmmm... should I take a bite?
*Gracie: Hmmmm.... I can see you!
*Gracie: Catbird!
*Gracie: Hungry babe!