{Dwight}: Getting ready for Christmas
{Dwight}: Still decorating...
{Dwight}: More of me putting up the decorations
{Dwight}: Me putting up the outside decorations
{Dwight}: Decorating in action
{Dwight}: The decorations coming together
{Dwight}: Staircase
{Dwight}: Rebekah discovered the Santa bean chair
{Dwight}: Living room Christmas tree
{Dwight}: Staircase and cat walk
{Dwight}: Living room decorations
{Dwight}: Christmas stockings
{Dwight}: Daisy at the fireplace
{Dwight}: Living room
{Dwight}: Zachary's tree
{Dwight}: Living room decorated
{Dwight}: Caleb's tree
{Dwight}: More Christmas tree bokeh
{Dwight}: Christmas Tree bokeh
{Dwight}: Hooray! We're giving up on the portrait!
{Dwight}: Trying to get a portrait of Rebekah by the tree
{Dwight}: Rebekah portrait... sorta
{Dwight}: Look closely...
{Dwight}: Our house at night
{Dwight}: Kids and Santa
{Dwight}: The Christmas family photo
{Dwight}: Caleb and Zachary
{Dwight}: Wendy and Rebekah
{Dwight}: Wendy and I
{Dwight}: The big family photo