Allen Pinkley: Go Fins! Having a good time....
Allen Pinkley: Oh No! They scored....
Allen Pinkley: View from our seats....
Allen Pinkley: Enjoying our lunch....
Allen Pinkley: Finally at the top....
Allen Pinkley: Just starting up the ramp....
Allen Pinkley: Somewhere on the ramp....
Allen Pinkley: Last minute gate rush, 10 minutes to kickoff....
Allen Pinkley: Signatures from the past....
Allen Pinkley: Negotiating with past Heros....
Allen Pinkley: Sign my shirt please....
Allen Pinkley: Listening to an old sports story....
Allen Pinkley: Another autograph....
Allen Pinkley: Getting another autograph....
Allen Pinkley: Small shirts are TOO big!!!
Allen Pinkley: These shirts were the smallest they had....
Allen Pinkley: Midway/day break....
Allen Pinkley: Bounce house fun...
Allen Pinkley: Killing time in the bounce house
Allen Pinkley: Pregame youth group picture 1
Allen Pinkley: Pregame youth group picture 2
Allen Pinkley: Pregame youth group picture 3
Allen Pinkley: Pregame youth group picture 4
Allen Pinkley: Pregame youth group picture 5
Allen Pinkley: Pregame youth group picture 6
Allen Pinkley: Could be a Pro some day
Allen Pinkley: On the field
Allen Pinkley: Acting like they 'like' each other....
Allen Pinkley: The whole group
Allen Pinkley: Feeling Bad (in a good way)