alphajoerg: sunny view
alphajoerg: white blooming
alphajoerg: evening tram
alphajoerg: matter of concentration
alphajoerg: Irissesses
alphajoerg: come on in, it's not too cold
alphajoerg: dog with landscape
alphajoerg: Allium ready to bloom
alphajoerg: asparagus field under protection foil
alphajoerg: little white dots
alphajoerg: sundown meadow
alphajoerg: poppy to open very soon
alphajoerg: even machines are resting so early ... except for dog owners :)
alphajoerg: trying to hitchhike?
alphajoerg: Wilson ... out of breath from jumping ???
alphajoerg: neighborhood traffic
alphajoerg: after a hot day
alphajoerg: morning sunlight
alphajoerg: front yard blooming bush
alphajoerg: before the sun comes in fully