alphajoerg: stacks and towers
alphajoerg: closing time
alphajoerg: shed at dusk
alphajoerg: AVIA Pforzheim
alphajoerg: Sunny and busy Heidelberg
alphajoerg: crane morning meeting
alphajoerg: shadows on the wall
alphajoerg: frosty and sunny morning
alphajoerg: church light
alphajoerg: church light II
alphajoerg: after a hot day
alphajoerg: awakening
alphajoerg: parking garage near main station
alphajoerg: construction site
alphajoerg: AC Hotel Mainz by Main Station
alphajoerg: Karrié construction before work hours
alphajoerg: construction material
alphajoerg: building drama
alphajoerg: morning at the beverage warehouse
alphajoerg: factory
alphajoerg: colourful business
alphajoerg: heavy clouds over the old peoples home
alphajoerg: morning in the city
alphajoerg: Radio towers after thunderstorm and rain in the early morning
alphajoerg: Frankfurt in the one day snow
alphajoerg: damage with late freezing