alphajoerg: evening dance
alphajoerg: The Beauty and the Tree
alphajoerg: vision of a village
alphajoerg: yellow flower jungle
alphajoerg: light painting
alphajoerg: decorated grid of trees
alphajoerg: protection
alphajoerg: spectacular clouds followed by spectacular lightning and rain
alphajoerg: too much symbolism for the upcoming game :)
alphajoerg: Echinacea in the front yard
alphajoerg: sun starts
alphajoerg: self-service flowers
alphajoerg: before The Game ... German flag
alphajoerg: Window sill dream
alphajoerg: Katy resting in the hallway
alphajoerg: Japanese Anemone
alphajoerg: Echinacea in the front yard II
alphajoerg: the pole
alphajoerg: sidewalk decoration
alphajoerg: the big weed
alphajoerg: happy spots on the wall art
alphajoerg: very passionate flower
alphajoerg: Window sill garden III .... [explored]
alphajoerg: going home through the fields
alphajoerg: maple seeds .... [explored]
alphajoerg: green berry line-up
alphajoerg: the bright green bush in front of the orange house
alphajoerg: not looking at me ... or is she?
alphajoerg: forest flowers
alphajoerg: forest "tomatoes"