alphajoerg: No Thru-Way
alphajoerg: No Thru-Way II
alphajoerg: Out of nowhere
alphajoerg: Another view on winter
alphajoerg: The secret about the logo colors
alphajoerg: color giant of the grey season
alphajoerg: red berries on morning light
alphajoerg: Garden gate
alphajoerg: skeletons and ghosts
alphajoerg: dead and alive
alphajoerg: Access to the colourful underworld
alphajoerg: Left turners - stop and take a picture
alphajoerg: The spearhead of spring
alphajoerg: Soccer player?
alphajoerg: "My" trolley ... but I was faster on the bicycle
alphajoerg: light traffic
alphajoerg: berry de-light
alphajoerg: Winter Bouquet
alphajoerg: Resting at end station
alphajoerg: Neighborhood development
alphajoerg: Kunsthalle Mainz - arts exhibition
alphajoerg: drippy twigs
alphajoerg: drippy twigs II
alphajoerg: Hydrangea over the wall
alphajoerg: remains from last night
alphajoerg: Turkish store
alphajoerg: Balancing
alphajoerg: Sightseeing the 1000 year old Mainz cathedral
alphajoerg: playground
alphajoerg: sudden rush