AlphaJedi: A late spring bloom!!
AlphaJedi: FlicExport.jpg
AlphaJedi: A dual-toned rose!!
AlphaJedi: In time for Chistmas!!!
AlphaJedi: Roses - desaturated!!!
AlphaJedi: A glowing water lily
AlphaJedi: A splash of colour- asiatic Lilly
AlphaJedi: Attack of the clones!!!
AlphaJedi: Small is beautiful!!
AlphaJedi: Auckland Domain Wintergardens
AlphaJedi: Pretty Twins!!
AlphaJedi: Rhododendron.. backlit !!!
AlphaJedi: Hydrangea Leaves
AlphaJedi: Rising from the mud....
AlphaJedi: Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. ...
AlphaJedi: Every flower blooms in it's own time...
AlphaJedi: Pohutukawa
AlphaJedi: Don't go away... please!!!
AlphaJedi: Butterfly Milkweed Balloon plant
AlphaJedi: Still a bud...
AlphaJedi: Dahlia in dark......
AlphaJedi: Just an artichoke!!!!
AlphaJedi: Love is the flower you've got to let grow.... John Lennon
AlphaJedi: Where there is love, there is life...
AlphaJedi: Hope is being able to see despite darkness - Desmond Tutu
AlphaJedi: "EERIE"
AlphaJedi: Cactus in a pot....
AlphaJedi: Bicentennial Conservatory - Adelaide Botanical Garden
AlphaJedi: Illumination....
AlphaJedi: Rose - the flower of Love