alphaii: At Damascus Gate
alphaii: DSCN1665
alphaii: Shopping with a rifle
alphaii: 架...槍
alphaii: Patrol in the Old City of Juresalem
alphaii: The Check.
alphaii: DSCN1624
alphaii: DSCN1623
alphaii: Tower of David, Jerusalem
alphaii: Old City of Jerusalem
alphaii: Old City of Jerusalem
alphaii: Dome of the Rock
alphaii: Tower of David, Jerusalem
alphaii: Olive Moutain
alphaii: Jerusalem
alphaii: Western Wall
alphaii: Playing football in an alley of the Old City of Jerusalem.
alphaii: via dolorosa 苦傷路
alphaii: via dolorosa 苦傷路
alphaii: 7th station via Dolorosa
alphaii: Old City of Jerusalem
alphaii: Damascus Gate
alphaii: DSCN1358
alphaii: Dome of the Rock
alphaii: Dome of the Rock
alphaii: Inspection at Tel Aviv Central Bus Station
alphaii: Soldiers at Tower of David
alphaii: Israeli West Bank barrier
alphaii: Mosque of Omar
alphaii: Palestine Police Station