AlphaBettyAdventures: Greeting Table
AlphaBettyAdventures: Greeting Table
AlphaBettyAdventures: Greeting Table
AlphaBettyAdventures: Joe (MC) looking at life board
AlphaBettyAdventures: Friends and Family
AlphaBettyAdventures: Yvonne and Elgin Parker (Ron's parents)
AlphaBettyAdventures: Lenore and John
AlphaBettyAdventures: Friends and Family
AlphaBettyAdventures: Entertainment
AlphaBettyAdventures: Entertainment
AlphaBettyAdventures: Entertainment
AlphaBettyAdventures: Dancing to the Great Music
AlphaBettyAdventures: Don and Claire
AlphaBettyAdventures: Ron and Marianne
AlphaBettyAdventures: Sermon by Dave
AlphaBettyAdventures: Closing Words by Joe
AlphaBettyAdventures: Berry crumble tarts, mini squares, fruit and iced tea - yummy!
AlphaBettyAdventures: Berry crumble tarts, mini squares, fruit and iced tea - yummy!
AlphaBettyAdventures: Berry crumble tarts, mini squares, fruit and iced tea - yummy!
AlphaBettyAdventures: Posing with fruit bouquet
AlphaBettyAdventures: Posing with fruit bouquet
AlphaBettyAdventures: Denis and Claire
AlphaBettyAdventures: Don and Vern
AlphaBettyAdventures: Mom's Skaha friends getting goodies from Claire