AlphaBettyAdventures: Madge our bus for this trip
AlphaBettyAdventures: Fisherman on Lake Botwana
AlphaBettyAdventures: Village children in Ghana love to be in pictures
AlphaBettyAdventures: Kintampo Falls, Ghana
AlphaBettyAdventures: Pounding Millet - Bandiagara, Mali
AlphaBettyAdventures: Locals watching us curiously
AlphaBettyAdventures: On the Dogon 3-day Trek
AlphaBettyAdventures: Accommodations in Dogon Country (on top of homes)
AlphaBettyAdventures: Dogon Mask Ceremony
AlphaBettyAdventures: Dogon Mask Ceremony
AlphaBettyAdventures: A Dogon Toguna, that is meeting place
AlphaBettyAdventures: Touaregs in Timbuktu
AlphaBettyAdventures: Dogon Inhabitant
AlphaBettyAdventures: Timbuktu Mosque
AlphaBettyAdventures: Peulh people in Senossa Village
AlphaBettyAdventures: Reflection of a woman carrying water
AlphaBettyAdventures: Crossing Niger tributary to Djenne
AlphaBettyAdventures: Famous Mud Mosque in Djenne
AlphaBettyAdventures: Selling jewellery to us through bus window
AlphaBettyAdventures: Women selling chickens in the market
AlphaBettyAdventures: Mole National Park Walk
AlphaBettyAdventures: Walking the high wire at Kakum Park, Ghana
AlphaBettyAdventures: Warthogs in front of my tent on Ghana Coast
AlphaBettyAdventures: Elmina Slave Castle