yyxxsg: Next....
yyxxsg: onlooker
yyxxsg: DSC_0737
yyxxsg: Wishes...
yyxxsg: Strike a pose for me gals :D
yyxxsg: 平衡点。
yyxxsg: Tough Deal...
yyxxsg: DEAL!!!
yyxxsg: Photographers are pest...
yyxxsg: Business not as good, striking a pose of bearish :(
yyxxsg: Doing business in Chinatown during Chinese New Year...
yyxxsg: Navigating through Chinatown...
yyxxsg: 福 - Fortune!
yyxxsg: ♪♫ We wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR & A HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR ♫♪
yyxxsg: Chinese loves RED.
yyxxsg: Passing By...
yyxxsg: Big Sale?
yyxxsg: 棋子 - 王菲
yyxxsg: DSCF1814
yyxxsg: DSCF1813
yyxxsg: Skywards...
yyxxsg: 1 Head, Many Hats
yyxxsg: 天天都是一样的。
yyxxsg: I kill everyday to earn a living...
yyxxsg: 一步一步慢慢的。
yyxxsg: A game of Chess...
yyxxsg: Check Mate!