illustir: Packing - Can I travel much lighter than this? - Wetsuit not pictured.
illustir: Nuestra Avion
illustir: Hitting the road with this
illustir: Mundaka
illustir: Mundaka
illustir: Street Art
illustir: Calatravized
illustir: photo.JPG
illustir: Mundaka
illustir: Mundaka
illustir: Street vending machine for meats
illustir: And so it begins - comida en el bar
illustir: El Bar
illustir: Sloppy Mundaka
illustir: Road prep
illustir: Sloppy motherfucker
illustir: Bakio
illustir: Sopelana is on
illustir: Bizimeta Bike Sharing
illustir: What monstrous testes must the architect have.
illustir: And another
illustir: A serpentine fractal emanating from the water - rather unsettling upon first sight (no filters needed)
illustir: Paper iCal
illustir: Pintxo foie gras
illustir: Pintxo Globo
illustir: Street life nicely
illustir: People living/working in a glass house
illustir: Iberico
illustir: Limon y Nada
illustir: Bar