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Jenny and Brennan
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Duck Tacos
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Chips & Salsa & Guac & Duck Tacos
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Mini Cuban Burger With Sweet Potato Fries
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Chips & Salsa & Guac, mmm!!!
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Thumbs up!
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It's me on camera!
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Lookin' smug
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View going over the Bay Bridge
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Valentines Chocolates in SF
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Valentines Cholates in SF
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Valentines Chocolates in SF
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Yerba Buena Garden
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Yerba Buena Garden
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Shopping bags galore
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Lyta at the Bart Station
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Happy Birthday, Mark'Ae!
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Grilled skirt steak with Manchego onion rings and mojo colorado
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Grilled rack of lamb, Churrasco style, with chimichurri
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Cheesecake and Chocolate Cake
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Chocolate Cake
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Zachary's stuffed pizza with artichoke hearts
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Cherry Blossom
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Cherry Blossom
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Cherry Blossom
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Cherry Blossom