alohadave: Firefighters overhaul the remains of the fire after pulling down the wall
alohadave: Firefighters overhaul the remains of the fire after pulling down the wall
alohadave: Firefighters investigate inside the building for sources of the fire
alohadave: A firefighter watches as the fire breaks through the side of the building
alohadave: Two of the several fire trucks that responded to the fire
alohadave: Firefighters use a saw to open a door for access
alohadave: Firefighters use a saw to open a door for access
alohadave: Firefighters use a saw to open a door for access
alohadave: South Boston ladder truck raises the ladder to fight the fire
alohadave: View of the fire from the corner of 2nd and C Streets
alohadave: View of the fire from the corner of 2nd and C Streets
alohadave: South Boston fire truck races to the scene of the fire