aloha_pineapple: Bocadillo de calamares - I've been obsessed since my first trip to Spain in 2005
aloha_pineapple: Churros con chocolat - I love this stuff
aloha_pineapple: This little area has been under construction since 2005, so I was shocked to see it totally completed!
aloha_pineapple: Long line for the loteria
aloha_pineapple: Open during the hollydays
aloha_pineapple: IMG_2667
aloha_pineapple: More churros con chocolat
aloha_pineapple: You can't tell but this line for the loteria tickets stretched all the way along the block and halfway down the was so crazy!
aloha_pineapple: Beautiful chocolates at Oriol Balaguer pasteleria
aloha_pineapple: My idea of heaven @ Oriol Balaguer pasteleria
aloha_pineapple: I wanted to try every single cake so bad, you don't even know!
aloha_pineapple: Cute holiday sugary treat from Oriol Balaguer pasteleria
aloha_pineapple: Blink and you may miss pastry chef Oriol Balaguer's shop in Madrid
aloha_pineapple: What I chose to eat from the Oriol Balaguer pasteleria
aloha_pineapple: Chocolate macarons from Oriol Balaguer
aloha_pineapple: My favorite! Oriol Balaguer's Bola-Bolas. My fave was the gianduja-covered macadamia nuts
aloha_pineapple: As you can see, pastry chef Oriol Balaguer is a genius!
aloha_pineapple: Alcochofas salteadas con jamón iberico - aka artichoke hearts with Iberian ham
aloha_pineapple: Cochinillo asado...aka roast suckling pig - words can't describe how good Botin makes this dish
aloha_pineapple: We both love squid cooked in its own ink. Chipirones en su tinta
aloha_pineapple: Botin is the oldest restaurant in the world
aloha_pineapple: Dessert! I don't remember what this was, except that it was good
aloha_pineapple: IMG_2698
aloha_pineapple: For Cat...HA HA HA HA HA
aloha_pineapple: Porras con chocolat